Although a non-partisan organisation, ThoughtBox is supportive of an initiative called The Labour Campaign to End Homelessness. ThoughtBox Director Rachel Musson was recently asked to write a short article for their campaign page exploring empathy-in-action when it comes to dealing with homelessness.
What do you do
when you walk past someone on the street? Pretend they’re not there? Give them
money or offer a friendly smile? Wonder how they ended up there?
Homelessness is
not a choice, and understanding that it could happen to any of us at any time
is just one step in trying to support the ever growing numbers of homeless
communities across the world. As economic pressures continue to bite; as welfare
systems struggle to support the most vulnerable; as climate change and natural
disasters rob people of their homes and civil wars force people to flee their
lands, more and more people are finding themselves homeless and displaced…through
no choice of their own.
However, there is
a judgemental stigma attached to homelessness that is hard to shake off – and
the negative way we collectively think
and feel about homeless people in our
communities across the world is unfortunately a large part of the problem. By
reducing people down in our judgements, we are failing to see how suddenly and
easily people can (and do) become homeless, and how we are all just a couple of
steps away from being on the street ourselves.
how to support homeless communities does not start and end on the street - it
begins much further back by trying to understand
some of the root causes of homelessness and work to prevent them in the first
place. The circumstances leading to homelessness are
many: loss of employment, domestic abuse,
relationship breakdowns, mental health issues, lack of affordable housing...the
list goes on and does not take into account external forces causing high
numbers of global displacement.
Whilst living
for a while in Pokhara, Nepal, I was stuck by the large numbers of street
children living rough on the banks of the Phewa Lake. Family break-down, poverty; urbanisation and overcrowding; dislocation
through migration and civil war; child labour, loss of family members; exploitation
by adults; emotional abuse or neglect, the rising number of street children remains
a significant problem across Nepal. Hand-outs might be keeping these children
alive, but when listening to some of the stories of why these children ended up
where they were, it seemed clear how this level of hand-out charity was merely perpetuating
the problem and supporting a negative cycle: the problems of homelessness were
being soothed rather than solved.
If you choose to listen, you will hear the same stories from homeless
people everywhere. I have heard them told time and again as I have travelled
around the world: in Lima, Peru; in Arusha, Tanzania; in London, UK; in
Kampala, Uganda. Esther Kidden, a refugee from Sudan, found herself fleeing from
civil war to Kampala when she was nine years old to seek refuge with her mother’s
sister, but consequently ended up on the streets following systematic abuse by
this same aunt. A lack of social support and governmental aid meant that
Esther’s choices were bleak. However, by sharing her story with people who
stopped to listen, she was given a hand up (through a place at SINA, a social-innovation academy) and is now working on developing a
street-kids rehabilitation centre, using her own experiences to support others.
By listening, rather than judging, we are taking one very large step towards
tackling the root causes of homelessness.
Although there are many organisations working
in communities across the world to help displaced people to get back on their
feet, many are still focusing on treating the symptoms of homelessness, rather
than the cause. Understandable – these are not easy-fix issues, and offering
material support (food, clothing, shelter) to someone rough-sleeping is a very positive
first step in care. But it is not the only thing we should be doing and all of
us have the chance to offer our support beyond this – without spending a penny.
“A hand up not a hand out” is a
maxim used by many organisations supporting homeless communities; working to
get people back on their feet and finding a new pathway in life. Moving beyond
this, it is positive to see governments now recognising that many of the ripple
effects leading to a rise in homelessness on our streets are pieces in the same
jigsaw puzzle.
We as individuals can now help by working to
remove the stigma associated with rough sleeping. Seeing the homeless, I mean
really seeing them as fellow human
beings; understanding that their story is just one or two moves away from our
own, is a tremendous first step in offering support. Stopping, looking and listening to people’s stories goes a
long way in supporting people on the streets, helping us to better understand
where we need to channel our attentions in the wider community to try to
prevent these stories from perpetually being re-told.
Treating the
homeless as the problem is the
problem, and so by listening and learning to
empathise with some of their struggles - without judgement - we can begin to
remove the negative stigma and come together to work on treating the causes (not
just the symptoms) of homelessness.
This article was originally published on the news page for The Labour Campaign to End Homeless website. Click on the link to visit the page: